Contribute to creating a society in which attending to one’s mental health is accepted and seen as equally important as attending to physical health by eliminating judgement and stigma around psychological therapy and Hypnosis through education, in order to enable individuals to share freely about their experience and support others on their paths of healing.

Promote the importance of a holistic approach to health, healing the mind, body and soul as a whole, in order to achieve greater results and prevent diseases that may stem from unreleased negative emotions and unsound mental health.   

Drive awareness to the fact that regardless of our social, economic or cultural conditioning, the emotional and mental health of most people has been impacted throughout their lives. That everyone has the right to heal and by doing so improves the quality of their life as well as those of others.

Shift from living in a society of separation stemming from fear to one of empathy and love. Because deep inside we are all alike, we all face the same challenges and what we truly long for is connection to one another, to love and be loved. 

Ilona Cepelakova Hypnotherapist, founder of Soul Sessions

Ilona Cepelakova

Holistic Hypnotherapist and founder of Soul Sessions.

Inspiring people to become aware of who we are and ask ourselves what is our purpose here.
To create consciously, not by default.